@KTzone » 遊戲 - 遊戲資源超連 » 畫面超美~夢想世界故事~益智消除

2009-5-26 03:26 andways

【軟體名稱】:Dreamsdwell Stories v1.01 夢想世界故事(免安裝破解版)
【檔案大小】:35 MB
人們生活在一個色彩斑斕的幻想世界中,正在等你幫他們建造一個城鎮。把這些相同顏色的綵球連接起來消除得到寶石和金子,最好消除儘可能多的綵球,30個或 30個以上的!每一個新來的人會幫助你,有些會給你魔法獎勵,有些會給你一些資源。根據那個古老的傳說,只要你和你的朋友們完成了這座城鎮的建設,龍就會出現,來實現所有居民們的夢想。但是這個傳說到底是否能成真全靠你哦!
The dwellers of a colorful fantasy world are waiting for you to help them build a town. Make chains of the spheres of one color to get gems and gold for it. And be prepared to make a VERY long chains of 30 or even more spheres!
Each new dweller will try to help you. Some of them will give you magic bonuses, others will earn resources. And according to the old legend, once you and your friends finish building the magical town, Dragon will come and fulfill the dreams of all the dwellers. But this legend may come true only with your help!
* Innovative and easy-to-learn game mechanic in the genre of "Drag to Match" games
* Build a living world with animated dwellers who live their own life
* 150 unique levels that can be played for best results in Quick Play mode
System requirements:
‧ Windows XP/Vista
‧ DirectX 7
‧ 1 GHz
‧ 256 MB RAM


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